m first dig @ ycombinator.
It all started when I visited a restaurant and liked it so much that I wanted to give a review. At that point lazyness struck me who will download the app, signup, lookup for the restaurant and give review. I wanted to make it easy for people to give reviews. Put a tablet with app runnin in the restraunt.This will encourage people to give reviews (hypothesis one)
Also always show one days worth of reviews. As a user I want to know how customers are liking the place today ..now.(hypothesis 2)
It is also good for businesses because they can focus on how they want to do today .. tomorrow not worrying about one of review thats stuck on the website for ever. (hypothesis three).
I am working on putting my hypothesis to test. Will write up a blog publishing my results soon.
Checkout the server and app in my repos(digelpapp/digelpserver)